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Blue Frontier Sports Day 2019 - A Success!

Date Friday, 12 July 2019 Amy Godfrey-Bawden , In: Company News

We had an absolute blast at our first ever Blue Frontier Sports Day on the 11th of July. With war paint, bandanas, and t-shirts in our team colours, everyone was eager to take on the events and give their best for their teams. We had The Fantastic Frys dressed in blue, Luke’s Legends in red, The Big Bad Bunns in yellow, and Win with Whittingham in camo.

The Fantastic Frys
Luke's Legends
The Big Bad Bunns
Win with Whittingham


And the Winner is...

The Fantastic Frys came out on top, and were very pleased with their efforts! It was excellent to see so many members of the Blue Frontier team getting together, and for the people who work in different offices to spend more time together!

Blue Frontier Sports Day 2019


The Best Bits

Some of the highlights were water balloons being playfully thrown at our directors during the ‘Directors Dash’, the pure entertainment of our Sumo Wrestling event, Human Hungry Hippos (which is as comical as it sounds), and legitimate displays of sporting talent during our running races.  

Blue Frontier Sports Day 2019

We also had an area dedicated to Giant Jenga and Connect 4 for anyone more interested in puzzles than sports. There was plenty of tension surrounding the Giant Jenga, with some games lasting as long as 45 minutes – I think the players were a bit too good!


One Big Blue Frontier Family

Although we love a bit of competitive fun, the real aim of sports day was to enjoy an evening together as a group, making memories (some very funny ones indeed!), and of course, indulge in a BBQ and drinks.

Blue Frontier Sports Day 2019

Well done to everyone who came along and took part, and of course, congratulations to the winners, The Fantastic Frys! Also, from all of the team that had such a great time, thank you to Sammy-Jo from our Digital team for organising it with such enthusiasm and success!

 You can watch some highlights from the day here...


Amy Godfrey-Bawden

Amy Godfrey-Bawden

Digital Marketer

Amy joined the Digital Marketing team at Blue Frontier in April 2019. Following graduation from University in 2018, she has acquired experience writing content for social media and articles on subjects including AI, Smart Technology, Cybersecurity and IoT. She is interested in writing about a diverse range of topics and enjoys the versatility of her role at Blue Frontier.


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