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Selling Through Social - Our Latest Go! Digital Talk

Date Thursday, 31 October 2019 Nick Layton , In: Company News

Sammy Presenting Selling Through Social Media

Today, the options available to established and budding entrepreneurs on social media channels are so extensive that to help you decide on the best course of action, a thorough understanding of the online social scene is essential. Sammy-Jo Wilsher's talk gave a forensic examination of most, if not all the benefits of selling through social media. This Go! Digital talk was hosted at the John Hansard Gallery in Southampton, brought to you by Blue Frontier and Go! Southampton.

Selling through social-Talk

The Go! Digital talks are designed to give local businesses the opportunity to come together and learn how to grow their businesses online. Sammy crammed as much information as possible into the 40 minute presentation, covering everything from a social demographic analysis to creating a Facebook product catalogue. She also explored how to sell events and drive ticket sales, with a rolling events calendar which automatically sends reminders to interested parties - another handy social tool. There was so much ground to cover, it would take a while to put down all of the points covered, so rather than do that, we have included the video of Sammy’s presentation at the bottom of this article.

Joe And People

Success stories of companies who have leveraged the power of social media to their advantage include Greggs, who used an iPhone ad as the template for a brand new vegan sausage roll commercial, and then doubled their exposure on Twitter while deflecting criticism from Piers Morgan. Companies like Casper sell mattresses, and are utilising additional channels such as Spotify to create playlists and build brand loyalty. While subscribers aren't going to directly buy a mattress as a result of this, this is about the long game and using social media to create a positive brand association and nurture potential leads. Who will be at the forefront of their mind when their mattress does need replacing?

Social media for businesses is also about having some fun with your brand, and companies like BT and Dominos are utilising chatbots in new and inventive ways to engage with their customers. BT have made significant savings by embracing social media as one of their primary customer service channels. Dominos created 'Dom the Bot' to engage and have a little bit of fun with customers while they order online.

If you have follow up questions from this or any of our Go! Digital talks, our Digital team will be happy to help. Please call us on 02382 354 320 or email


Nick Layton

Nick Layton

Content Creator

Nick has worked in Imaging for most of his life. His work has been seen in print, TV and video for (among others) co-op, Canon, London Zoo, Rolls Royce, IBM, Explore Travel and various county councils. Nick specialises in people, product, food and travel and follows the IT and camera industries closely.

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