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SEO in Southampton with Go!Digital

Date Tuesday, 19 February 2019 Nick Layton , In: Company News

SEO Go Digital Talk Southampton

Matt Kerley, Blue Frontier’s Business Development Executive, delivered an informative seminar at Go!Digital's most recent event, kindly hosted by SO Fourteen. The session was centred around on-page SEO and how webpages and site structure can be optimised to help websites rank in Google and other search engines. There was a good turnout with a range of Southampton businesses present.

Matt's talk was not only insightful but also interactive; with an intimate meeting space and several SEO specialists from Blue Frontier on hand, there was ample opportunity for attendees to ask questions and have one-on-one discussions about their own websites and SEO efforts.

SEO Go Digital Talk Southampton

SEO, or Search Engine Optimisation, is the process of optimising a website to be discoverable online. You could spend a small fortune on building an amazing website with complex functionality but if your target market can't easily find your website you won't get the best return on investment. 

Matt's talk highlighted different on-page SEO elements that impact how Google ranks your website in the search results. Just some of these elements included: content and keyword density, site structure, headers, alt tags, links (internal and external), photos/graphics, styling, videos and more.  

Matt pitching
Healthy snacks

"With an ever increasing number of social media and digital marketing channels available to businesses, building a strong online presence across these platforms can sometimes result in missed ‘on-page’ opportunities and a failure to take advantage of your website’s natural search engine authority.

The purpose of our ‘on-page SEO’ session was to go back to basics and share important tips and tricks when adding content to your website. By understanding how search engines view your website pages, you can carefully position your keywords to help improve your rankings.

We thoroughly enjoyed sharing this knowledge during our presentation and we hope that this insight into on-page optimisation proves useful to those who attended.”

- Matt Kerley, Blue Frontier

SEO Go Digital Talk Southampton

If you attended the latest event and have questions for Matt, please do give us a call on 02382 354 320. If you didn't attend the event but would like to find out more about SEO and the endless benefits it could have for your business, please get in touch and one of our SEO specialists will be happy to have a chat. 

Matt and other members of the Blue Frontier team will be in the Dolphin Hotel on March 22nd to discuss the next topic, Google Analytics.

Go!Digital events are run in partnership with Go!Southampton. If you are a BID member and are interested in attending one of Go!Digital's free workshops, we would love to hear from you.

Nick Layton

Nick Layton

Content Creator

Nick has worked in Imaging for most of his life. His work has been seen in print, TV and video for (among others) co-op, Canon, London Zoo, Rolls Royce, IBM, Explore Travel and various county councils. Nick specialises in people, product, food and travel and follows the IT and camera industries closely.

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