
We are passionate about the work we do, which is why we regularly research and update our blog with original content to keep you updated with industry news.


CCleaner Software Gets Hacked

Monday, 18 September 2017 Marc Whittingham , In: Technical

CCleaner Software Gets Hacked
Popular computer clean-up software, CCleaner, has been released with dangerous malware included inadvertently. Hackers added the malware that has affected up to 2 million users.

Backing Up Your Data

Wednesday, 07 June 2017 Charlie Regnart , In: Technical

Backing Up Your Data

Why it's essential that you think about your data backup strategy to maintain business continuity and avoid the impact of data loss.

Google Chrome to Start Labelling Non-HTTPS Sites as “Not Secure”

Friday, 09 September 2016 Adam Futcher , In: Technical

Google Chrome to Start Labelling Non-HTTPS Sites as “Not Secure”

From January 2017, Google Chrome (version 56 and onwards) will begin marking HTTP sites that transmit passwords or request credit card details as “not secure”.

Windows 10 - An End of Year Review

Tuesday, 08 December 2015 Marc Whittingham , In: Technical

Windows 10 - An End of Year Review

Windows 10 has been out for a while now, and has not been without controversy. We have been using it here and there for review purposes, personal use...

Server 2003 Retirement Plans

Tuesday, 20 January 2015 Marc Whittingham , In: Technical

Server 2003 Retirement Plans

Another Microsoft deadline is looming following the deprecation of Windows XP last year, its server equivalent; Server 2003, and all variations are being killed off come July 14th of this year.

Shellshock - Vulnerability in Bash

Friday, 26 September 2014 Marc Whittingham , In: Technical

As you may have heard from mainstream media sources, the UK Cyber defence team “UK-CERT” yesterday issued an alert for a vulnerability in BASH. BASH is a component of Linux and other *NIX operating systems that provides users and administrators with command-line access to their machines. According to the reports a French researcher discovered an easily exploitable flaw in this component that could allow malicious individuals to take control of vulnerable machines and, apparently, this flaw is incredibly easy to exploit.

Synology Exploit Thwarted

Thursday, 07 August 2014 Marc Whittingham , In: Technical

We were recently made aware of a vulnerability in certain versions of the Synology operating system (DSM) which lies behind all Synology NAS devices.

New Server Anyone?

Thursday, 03 July 2014 Marc Whittingham , In: Technical

New Server Anyone?

With XP having recently been deprecated to an unsupported state, this has drawn our attention to the fact that other platforms of a similar vintage are due to go the way of XP within 12 months. In particular Server 2003 and Exchange 2003 platforms including the Small Business Server 2003 system is also due to become unsupported as of July 2015.

Security In an Open World

Tuesday, 01 July 2014 Marc Whittingham , In: Technical

Security In an Open World

All of the recent revelations regarding Snowden, Heartbleed, and the GameOver Zeus botnet based infection has focused everyone's minds on security and how anyone can remain secure in this increasingly hostile and permeable world.

Microsoft Exchange - Why Go Hosted?

Thursday, 01 May 2014 Marc Whittingham , In: Technical

Microsoft Exchange - Why Go Hosted?

Cost Purchasing and running an in-house Exchange Server is a very expensive proposition, requiring a large capital investment for hardware, software and user licensing.

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