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Spooktacular Goings On at Blue Frontier

Date Friday, 01 November 2019 Nick Layton , In: Company News

Blue Frontier's offices were invaded by a collection of ghouls, hairy beasts and villains this Halloween.

Our staff raided their fancy dress drawers and brought in a collection of outfits, some genuinely scary and some involving a slight comical twist. To add a little competitive edge, a prize was awarded for the best Halloween costume.

Amanda Halloween Costume
Sammy And Juraj

From a mummy piggyback, to blow up dinosaurs, zombies, werewolves and witches, the team approached their Halloween costumes with creativity and comedy. At lunchtime, when all our Halloween inmates had floated around the office, everyone was invited to vote for their favourite. In third place, with her delightful homage to an extinct species, Charlotte's T-Rex, which provided many laughs as she navigated herself around the office. Coming in a close second, we had Shaun with his mummy riding outfit, even though there was some talk of him standing on the shoulders of giants.

Sara Halloween Costume

Queen of Halloween

But in the end there could only be one winner, taking her inspiration from the 'Walking Dead' and zomcoms such as 'Shaun of the Dead', Sara, usually healthy, upright and delivering development projects at a rate of knots, changed into an undead entity we barely recognised! Her transformation began devilishly early at 6 A.M with liquid latex, copious amounts of blood red coloured paint capped off with toilet roll, porridge oats and a contact lens to complete the look. She then braved public transport and a train ride to Salisbury, delivering that perfect-but-oh- so-casual-zombie-just-got-out-of-bed-and-made-it-to-work-in-time - look.

Picking up her award for best office zombie of 2019, Sara said:

"After my dog went for her customary morning nap, I put on the makeup and she stared at me, and wouldn't eat. I couldn't work out if she thought I was very ill and she didn't want to be near me or if she thought I was someone else. Peeling off the latex was about as painful as being in a meeting without an agenda."

Well done Sara! The question in most of our minds is, how are we going to top that next year? Thanks to all our Halloween entries and we hope you had a splendidly spooky Halloween!




Nick Layton

Nick Layton

Content Creator

Nick has worked in Imaging for most of his life. His work has been seen in print, TV and video for (among others) co-op, Canon, London Zoo, Rolls Royce, IBM, Explore Travel and various county councils. Nick specialises in people, product, food and travel and follows the IT and camera industries closely.

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