It is exciting times here for Blue Frontier, amongst rapid growth, new premises on the horizon, and other developments within the business, we have also been hard at work on bringing our practices and procedures in line with international best practice.
A large part of this has been working towards and now attaining our ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 27001:2013 accreditations. For the uninitiated; these are international standards that provide businesses with frameworks for delivery of many aspects of the business from waste management to information security and quality assurance and many things in between.
ISO accreditation is an exacting process that demands, as a business, that you create policies to control key aspects of your business, it further demands that you implement, enforce, and control these policies and evidence these acts as well as recording instances of non-compliance to allow the business to learn from its errors.
For us, this has been a learning experience from beginning to end, highlighting our strengths and weaknesses and providing us with a framework for further development in several key areas.
ISO 27001:2013 is the standard that provides a framework for ensuring that we manage all our data, and our customer’s data in a secure fashion
ISO 9001:2015 is the standard that provides us with a framework for a Quality Assurance Management system to allow us to improve our service and product delivery while controlling and monitoring the efficacy of the system.
One of the key points about being accredited against the ISO standards is that, far from being an end result, is the start of an ongoing, continuous programme of development and improvement that should ensure that we continue to push ourselves to improve our processes across the business and the subsequent quality and security of our deliverables.