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Is There a New Google Mobile Ranking Algorithm Coming Soon?

Date Monday, 02 March 2015 Dave Davies , In: Digital Marketing

Is There a New Google Mobile Ranking Algorithm Coming Soon?

Google have been sending out notifications via Webmaster Tools and email, to webmasters whose websites don’t fit their mobile-friendly criteria.

The messages explain to webmasters that the site, or certain pages within the site, have mobile usability issues, and goes on to say that pages will be “displayed and ranked appropriately for smartphone users.”

In recent times, Google have strived to ensure users are receiving the best experience possible when browsing the web on their smartphones. In November last year, “mobile-friendly” labels were brought into search results pages, in an effort to make clear to users whether a page listed was suitable for viewing on a mobile device.

In addition to the launch of these labels, Google brought out mobile testing tools and usability reports, and announced that they would be experimenting with a new mobile ranking algorithm.

Previously, mobile testing was left in the webmaster’s hands, however, Google have now taken it upon themselves to send these warnings. Could these new warnings issued by Google to site owners, suggest that the new mobile algorithm is on its way soon? All the signs certainly seem to be pointing this way.

However soon this algorithm may be rolled out, the time to act should be now. It can’t be said that Google haven’t given reasonable warning on this, so all measures should be taken to ensure your mobile website design meets all of the necessary criteria.

Reminder of Mobile-friendly criteria

  • Avoids software that is not common on mobile devices, like Flash
  • Uses text that is readable without zooming
  • Sizes content to the screen so users don't have to scroll horizontally or zoom
  • Places links far enough apart so that the correct one can be easily tapped

Important Update - 02/03/2015

Google have now confirmed that mobile-friendliness is to become a ranking factor as of 21st April 2015.

The news was officially announced on Google's Webmaster Blog, where it was stated the change would "have a significant impact in our search results."

With news of a launch date for the update, there is now a bit of time to make sure your site is ready for its best chance for success in mobile search.

Dave Davies

Dave Davies

Graphic Designer

Dave has been with us since 2012 and brings years of experience as a talented graphic designer as well as an innate understanding of usability and web layout. Having a strong understanding of what clients wish to achieve in both marketing performance and usability for websites, Dave is great at both communication and application alike.

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